Thursday 4 June 2009



The group formed in January, 1996 in San Sebastian with Amaia, Paul, Haritz, álvaro and Xavi.
Initially they were a few simple university students who were touching songs to spend the moment, but that with the time were going to be some of the groups mas known in the world.
Discs extracted more in all these years.
In November, 2006, Amaia Montero decides to leave the Oreja de Van Gogh to initiate his career in solitarily. On September 2, 2008 there appears the first album of the new stage of the Oreja de Van Gogh with Leire Martínez as vocalist.
The group has not lost popularity since Amaia retired and Leire entered the group.

Though they pop is in the habit of identifying as a band of genre rock, this formation native of San Sebastian has played along his five discs of studies with kinds so changed as the ranchera, the bossa nongoes, dance or the electronics. His style also goes according to the so called Donosti Sound or Sound of San Sebastian that alludes to the type of music that with so muchsuccess other groups of pop have interpreted rock original of this Basque city, from the 80s.


Leire the new singer in the group

Leire Martínez Ochoa San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, Spain, on June 22, 1979 is a Spanish singer of pop, ex-competitor of Factor X and current vocalist of The Ear of Gogh Goes.In 2008 she was chosen as vocalist of The Ear Of Gogh Goes, replacing this way Amaia Montero.The group offered a press conference on Monday, the 14th of July in the House of America of Madrid, where one presented Leire as new vocalist. In summer of the same year it was the image of the campaign " Sexy Hair " of Herbal Essences.
The first disc with Leire like vocalist was thrown on September 2 in Spain and 30 of the same month in Latin America and A is titled the 5 in the Astoria. The first simple one titles The last waltz, which had the premiere officially in the radio 40 principal ones on Saturday, the 12th of July in the program from 40 to 1. The single obtained Platinum disc in " legal Unloads " and " Legal tones " in Spain. In addition also she obtained Platinum disc for the ventas of At five o'clock in the Astoria in Spain and golden disc in Chile and Argentina.


Víctor Valdés Arribas he borns in Hospitalet de Llobregat on January 14, 1982.
He is a Spanish born football player in Hospitalet but native of Gavá.
He is a burly boy because it measures 1,83 cm and weighs 78 kg.
It plays of doorman and his current equipment is the Football Club Barcelona.
During all his sports career there has been in the FC Barcelona, club which it joined on July 1, 1992, with only 10 years of age.


This beautiful actor he born on 6 February 1991 in Madrid.

His blue eyes and his attractive face it is he begin to triumph.

He has been announced in the current Spanish FISICA O QUIMICA series.

In this series it does Cabano's paper.
But not only he has I throw the series FiQ, also he has taken part in Spanish series as in Cuentame que te pasó happened. And also he has taken part in a movie as Mentiras y gordas, that this actor has worked with famous Spanish actors:Hugo Silva, Mario Casas...


we're laura and daphne=)
we're 15 years old and we live in sabadell!
we're friends but we're very different!
Laura have got brown straight hair and green eyes. She is thin and she isn't very tall.
Daphne have got brown curly hair and brown eyes. She is very tall.
We are doing 3º of ESO in Pau Vila and we going in the same class.
We do this blog as Englishman's work take the whole year working in and we have to go hanging our works