Tuesday 30 November 2010

Human rights

-What was the Berlin Wall?
It was a Wall that separated the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic.

-When did it fall?
On the 9th of November oh 1989

-What century did South America get the independence?
America get the independence in 19th

-Who led South America to independence?
Simon Boliviar

-Who was the header to Indian independence? -Who led South America to Independence?

-What year did finish the apartheid? In wich century was the apartheid?

-Which cultures practised human sacrifice?
Inquisition, fati and others

-Why don’t these cultures religions have the basic human rights?
Because it contradicts the human right to life

-How many years was the apartheid in South Africa?
Fourty Three

-Why did North America fight against UK?
Because they wants their independence

-What happened in 1776 in North America?
There was a Revolution

-Who was Karl Marx?
A men who hopes the communism and the power and rights to the people

-Explain an important thing done by Karl Marx.
He was hopes the communism and the power and rights to the people

-When did the Americans consider slaves to be people?
In 1842

-What was the name of the ship where the slaves rebelled?
It was called Amistad

-How many slaves rebelled?

-Where were the Africans sent?
To Americas to work

-Why were the Africans sent to America?
Because the Americans nedded people to work

-In which century were the Africans sent to America?
In the 16th

-What did Antigone do?
She disobey the king

-Why did Antigone disobey the King?
To give to her brother a decent burial

-Who signed the universal declaration of human rights?
It was signed by the UN

-In what year was signed the universal declaration of human rights?
In 1948

-Who a chived their authority by birth?
The kings and the tribal chiefs

-For what did use their powers?
To usurp the natural rights of people

-What century did the court of law write down the defence of human rights?

-What was the apartheid?
A dividation of the South Americans in two classes

-Which was the cause of the American civil war?
Because there was an excessive slavery

-What was slavery?
Slavery was a system in which people were the property of others.

-Where did slavery exist?
Yes, it was

-When did women get the rights to vote?
On 1991

-By which committe it was elaborated?

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